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Debrand Turns 17! We're Sharing The Clothes We Love

We all have that one piece of clothing that we love and cherish. This year we asked team members to share some of their personal favorites.

Author: Amelia Eleiter

Transforming Textile Waste: A Strategy for Sustainable & Circular Textiles

Recent research has pinpointed two significant challenges in our quest for sustainable textile recovery: a lack of financial incentives and the concept of “waste ownership” among various stakeholders.

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Transforming Textile Waste: A Strategy for Sustainable & Circular Textiles

Shifting Towards a Circular Economy: A Call for Collaboration

A Shift Towards a Circular Economy Pioneering apparel brands have been taking initial steps towards achieving a circular economy, but a collaborative ecosystem is needed to create a scalable model. […]

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Shifting Towards a Circular Economy: A Call for Collaboration

Embracing Next-Life Logistics: A Path to Sustainable Fashion

So, what does “next-life logistics” mean? Simply put, next-life logistics is about extending the life of your products, and the precious resources used to create them, in as many ways […]

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Embracing Next-Life Logistics: A Path to Sustainable Fashion

Slow Fashion: Mindful Consumption for Future Generations

Mindful Consumption, Production, and Reverse Logistics: Slow fashion is the answer to these pressing problems. It calls for mindful consumption, sustainable production, and a focus on circular business practices. Instead […]

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Slow Fashion: Mindful Consumption for Future Generations

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